Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Danny's First Prayer

Yesterday, for the first time, Danny asked me if he could say the prayer all by himself. This is what he said:

"Dear heavenly Father, Thanks for the race cars. Poop in the underpants. Big Boys go potty in the toilet, not in the underpants. Close your eyes and fold your arms, Mom. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

I better explain. Danny always wants to play Mario Kart on the Wii. I don't let him play very often because he is always having accidents in his pants. I don't like him to play it a lot anyway. So yesterday Danny had an accident and I wouldn't let him play. So every morning when I say a prayer, I say, "Please help Danny to go to the bathroom in the toilet and not in his pants because big boys go potty in the toilet and not in their underpants." I am trying a little reverse psychology on him. And I also peeked in the middle if the prayer. Thanks for the spiritual prayer, Danny.


  1. At least you know he's listening! What a good boy. We were bummed to miss the playgroup this morning too. I had my LAST doctor's appointment today. Hallelujah. Starting in April though, we won't miss one at all! I love playgroups and I can't wait to make it!

  2. That is adorable. I'm so glad that you are keeping track of all these funny things. So many moms don't write them down and regret it later. You're awesome!

  3. how cute is that!!! Annelise...he is going to be as funny as him mommy :)

  4. That was sooo funny! I love little people prayers!
