Sunday, January 18, 2009

Scrapbook Page

I haven't posted a scrapbook page for a while so here is my latest. The kit I used was from I know I led you on to believe that I was all caught up by posting recent pictures that I sometimes scrapbook but I am not. Sometimes I scrapbook recent pictures for fun but I am still catching up from March. So here is my dilemma...I have been doing a scrapbook for Sam, a scrapbook for Danny, and a family scrapbook (mainly for the pictures that are taken of just Brian and I or of other people besides the kids). That is too much work. I would like to know what other people do. I want to make this easier but am not sure if I want to do just one scrapbook for everything. Any ideas???


  1. I am having the same dilemma...I don't really want to make three different books for all of my kids, so I kind of want to do just one family book, but what about when they get older and they want to look at their very own book...all of these questions I don't have answers to:) So, I am no help to you!

  2. I make one book for each girl. And since I do it digitally, I keep the files also on cds so I can have another copy of them when they move out. I don't do a family book. I put anything else like that on my blog and i print the blog out.

  3. Oh, I wanna know how to print out my blogs!! And ya, I haven't even really scrapbooked since moving here. I'm soooo far behind, but my craft room should be done soon and I plan on being a hermit for quite some time!

  4. This may be a bit late-hope you read it. Same prob. I have decided to do...a first year book for each child (so far just Jack:)) and then a "Hamilton family 2008, 2009, etc." book. I have put everything in the one book. It makes the most sense to me---I love seeing pictures of all of my sibs from growing up, parents included, and not just ME, so I figured I'd follow suit.
