Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Danny and Abby playing Rock Band

Yay, I figured out how to put videos on my blog. Anyway, this is a video of Danny and his cousin Abby playing Rock Band. Danny ended up finishing the song! I was so surprised.


  1. I love it!! I think Danny and I would be on the same level if I tried to play.

  2. That's too cute! I love Abby's hip action!

  3. That is so cute! And I love that Sam fell asleep sitting up! That is so funny! I can't believe how big he is getting!

  4. ok, so I saw someone that looked sooo much like you today walking in front of Jill S.'s house...I was at Trudy Postmas picking up Chloe and I was like "Annelise! Hey! Hey! Annelise...." Trudy was like, uh, that's not Annelise...never even thought to look at the kid she (you) were with to see if it looked like Danny or Sam...heehee..just thought i'd share...thought I was seeing you..but nope.

  5. Hey sorry about Friday, my phone died after we played phone tag and I wasn't by my charger, but lets for sure do it this next friday!
