Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This week I have been overwhelmed with gratitude for how wonderful our lives are. There have been several tragedies this weekend and it has made me sad but also made me so thankful for everything we have. When I think of my blessings, I automatically think of my wonderful family.

Danny made this at preschool (he has been having accidents and I have stopped caring about him wearing his pants).

I am so thankful for Brian. He helps me out so much. He is always helping me clean and will get up with the boys and let me sleep in when I am really tired. He is always trying to make my life better. He is the hardest worker I know. I am so thankful for what he does for this family.

I am so lucky to have my 2 boys. They make me so happy. Danny is so smart and so full of energy. I love that he is constantly giving me hugs and smiling all the time. He didn't use to very much but now he does. Whenever he hits someone he will come up and tell me. He has a passion for life. Sam is just a little angel. He is so sweet and makes me so happy. I am so lucky that these boys chose me.

We had such a wonderful week of shopping, tennis with the girls, football for the boys, 2 movies (hmmm... who was more fun to watch, Daniel Craig or Hugh Jackman... I have to go with the sexiest man alive, Hugh), blasting guitar hero all night long, and lots of eating (like this chocolate cookie I got Danny at Gateway).


  1. I wanna see that Australia movie! I took Phil to see Twilight. He liked it. We were gonna see two movies but I had a headache so we went home. So it was good?
    I liked your gratitude blog.

  2. I love Danny's Thanksgiving outfit thing that he is so cute! We really need to get the kids together to play, I will call you sometime, or give me a call!

  3. Looks like fun. Nothing like a good day shopping. We need to get together this week.

  4. We have not done anything in a long time, we need to get together, are you up to seeing Twilight again?

  5. So cute! I love their cute outfits! We need to get together! I miss seeing you!

  6. You're such a good mom! I love Danny's Thanksgiving costume. Don't worry, we don't wear pants at our house either :)
