Monday, November 24, 2008

Best Day Ever!

Ok maybe Saturday wasn't the BEST day ever but it was pretty awesome. I started out the day playing some guitar hero world tour with my bandmates (I was the singer, Brian was on the guitar and Danny was on the drums). We rocked out to a few songs and I raced over to see the movie Twilight with my sisters, mom, and our good friends, the Lofgren's. The movie was much better than I thought it would be. I loved it (except for the terrible special effects). I was just giddy the whole time. My mom and I agreed that we haven't been this excited during a movie, ever! It was so fun! Oh! And I can't forget to mention they showed the preview for Confessions of a Shopaholic before the movie! I can't wait to see it! Thank you Abby for insisting that I read those hilarious books. Then we went to Cheesecake Factory (one of my very favorite restaraunts). After that, we hurried to the Utah Football game where we KILLED byu. I was so happy that we won! GO UTES!! So that was my (almost) best day ever.

We had these one of a kind shirts made by my sister, Elizabeth's boyfriend. Thank you Randy! In case you can't read them, they say Edward...bite me. I kept leaning over to one of the girls and commenting on how cute Jasper and James were during the movie. Edward was cute too.

We have season tickets right in front of Brian's family.
Danny was so nice to take a break from the drums to hug Sam for a picture. Sam woke up a few minutes before the picture.


  1. That sounds like a great day. I love how it was family, family and family! I agree with you on the special effects. Favorite special effect? Edward running the first time with Bella on his back. Hello!!

  2. Sudden rumble in my stomach. That game! Agh! :)
    I'm just wondering, did you and Danny guitar hero to Bon Jovi?
