Thursday, April 3, 2008

Don't Let Your Kids Eat Only Ice Cream For Dinner

So Brian went out of town for 3 days this week and Danny, Sam and I went to my cousin, Annie's house for dinner. Danny was so excited to be playing with Jack (left) that he wouldn't eat dinner. So after we watched American Idol, we ate ice cream and of course Danny ate a ton of it. As you can see by his face, he was very hyper and didn't fall asleep until 10:30. He also woke up at 6:00 the next morning. But we did have a lot of fun. Also while I am giving advice, don't let your kids take bouncy balls to church.


  1. That is really funny cuz jack slept like a baby that night. I guess you need to feed them excessive sugar like I do then they are immune to it.

  2. Oh yeah and your new background ROCKS!

  3. I wanna hear the bouncy ball story. I can only imagine the entertainment Danny must of been. (:

  4. Let's just say that the bouncy ball kept being thrown all over the place and all the kids were jumping out of their seats to get it.

  5. Been there, done that. But imagine about 7 bouncy balls bouncing down the slightly elevated aisle towards the stand... rather embarassing.... thanks jackson for making everyone smile taht day!!
