Sunday, March 30, 2008

What would we do without the binkie?

I don't know what I would do if my children didn't take binkie's. They are the best things ever invented for babies. Thank you, Sam, for taking a binkie.


  1. oh i soooo agree!! my second son would not take a binkie and I even went to Target and bought EVERY kind...ugh! It was lots harder to get them to settle down...otherwise you would be nursing nonstop!! ugh.

  2. oh i love your blog!!! cute cute!

  3. Oh I love your header...I knew you would have a fancy schmancy one so fast...

  4. First of all, that is such a cute picture of Sam. Second, I'm so jealous that Sam will take a binky. Chase took one like a champ for the first 5 months, I couldn't even leave the house with out one, but now he thinks it's a toy. A couple sucks then he's banging it on things and chewing on the side of it, and when he cries I hurry and try to sneak the binky in, but it just makes him mad. I keep reminiscing the good old days when he loved his binky.
