Friday, February 8, 2008

Samuel Cannon Ross

On Februaury 6th, Samuel Cannon Ross was born. Everything went perfectly and he is such a sweet little angel. You couldn't ask for a better baby. He was 6 lbs. 9 oz and 20 inches long. We love him so much!

Big Brother
Danny likes his new baby brother Sam but was more interested in the juice and cookies that he got when he came to visit me. He was cute when he gave Sam kisses though.


  1. He is so cute! I don't see a lot of danny in him though. Congrats! I am so glad you didn't have to have a c-section. I will come see him soon!

  2. congratulations! he is a beautiful little boy, i love the picture i just saw on kellie and ty's blog where danny looks like he's trying to poke sam in the eye; oh the fun those two will have:) cute, cute

  3. Looks like a sweet baby. And I say all the better if Danny isn't interested in him yet. I wish Laney wasn't nearly as interested in Allie.

  4. He is beautiful. I love those pics of Danny holding him. COngratulations!

  5. What a beautiful baby!! He's so perfect and tiny!! I can't wait to see him tomorrow.
