Monday, February 4, 2008

Baby update

I had another doctor's appointment today and he said that my cervix is dialated to a 2 (it was at a 1 last week so there is progress) and I am 80%-90% effaced. I was hoping to be at an 8 but sadly I wasn't. My doctor said that if I don't have the baby by next Monday then we will set a date next week for me to be induced or for a c-section. He wasnt me to be dialated a little bit more to be induced and since I had a c-section with Danny, that would make more sense but I really don't want one. So my doctor said that he would induce me if I wanted, that just increases the risk of a c-section and that would be hard to go through all of that labor and then have a c-section. So hopefully I will go into labor on my own before then but I have no idea. We will just have to wait and see.

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