Thursday, August 16, 2012

4th and 24th of July!

4th of July
 We played a little volleyball

 Kimberly and Amy painted the girls nails.

 So cute


 We watched fireworks with the Fords and Curtis's

 Elizabeth and Richard came and Danny loved sitting with them.

 Sam didn't make it to the end.

Attempting to go boating with the Nielsons.
It turned out to be too cold so we made our own fun!

 Waiting for dinner at Zupas.

 Tucker and Brian.  Twins!

 Alysha and I

The 24th
We decided to try boating again with the Ford's and Nielson's!

 Cute girls!
 Brian and Sam

 Brian and Danny

 I love this picture of London

 Roman, Sam, Danny, and Capri
 Brian and Sarah
 Cheri, Alysha and I.
 Sarah trying to take a nap.

 After boating, we went to my parents to celebrate Alex's birthday.  Patrick and Kimberly got him a Justin Bieber pinata!  It was awesome.

Richard posing with his idol.

1 comment:

  1. I especially like the picture of Richard with Justin Beber ;)
