Sunday, July 15, 2012


Our first stop was in Haiti.  Wow it was beautiful.


 Riding the shuttle
 L to R:  Nate (BIL), Kimberly (SIL), Heather, Patrick, Jake (BIL), and Whitney

 My Dad, Mom, Alex and Elizabeth

 Brian, Me, Amy(SIL), and Tim

We took the shuttle to the beach where they had tons of inflatable climbing walls, slides and tramps.  We had such a blast!  I was just laughing the entire time.

 L: My sisters jumping in the water
R: Brian and I

 Patrick catching some air


 Elizabeth and I

 Patrick and Alex

 Nate, Jake, Kimberly, Tim and Amy

 Injuries.  Funny story (on the right), I was chasing Alex in the water and he started yelling "Ow, something bit me!  My arm is burning!"  It turns out he had been stung by a jellyfish.

 Alex, Mom, Dad, Elizabeth and I

 cute Tim

 Dancing to the music

 Seriously so beautiful and relaxing.  Well, besides when we got in the water :)

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