Sunday, June 24, 2012

Memorial Day BBQ and fun with friends

On Memorial Day, we had a BBQ with all of our neighbors and friends and it was a blast.  At the end, we got a few pictures
 My sister, Elizabeth and her friend Katrina came.
 Great friends.

 Hands up Stands up
 Sarah wanted her shirt off because Zoey took hers off.

 I love taking pictures of the guys because they are always so akward, like they are in this one that Jenn took.

 Sarah and her cute friend Zoey.  Zoey is 1 day older than Sarah and they love playing with each other.  The second Zoey walks in, her and Sarah go and change into these skirts.  I love it.  In this picture, they just walked around the house eating out of cereal.

Happy Birthday Jenn!
This is the year where a lot of my friends turn 30.  My friend, Jenn turned 30 and we went to breakfast.

Danny and Erika fell asleep watching a movie outside.  So cute!

1 comment:

  1. I love how Alysha looks like she is wearing a "family believe" hat in the pic. :)
