Thursday, April 26, 2012

I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

I have always dreamed of the day that I would put my daughter in her first dance class.
So when my sister sent me a picture of her 2 year old daughter in her dance class, I immediately signed Sarah up.
I was a little nervous that she wouldn't like it, but I was more confident that she would love it.
  I have been waiting to use this tutu for a long time.  My Mom bought it for Sarah for her 1st birthday.



Sarah and her cousin, Ashley.  They were so funny together.

She had the best time.  She was seriously glowing.  I loved watching her dance.
She couldn't stop talking about her dance class and she kept asking to go all day.

 Is it weird that I want to cry when I watch this?


  1. Future Clara. And, No, it's not weird that you cry.:)

  2. I totally want to put Adelyn in a class too! I can't wait :) Where did you do it?

    Lets get together soon with the kiddos!

  3. Utah Dance Center.
