Saturday, April 7, 2012

Caitlin's Wedding Shower

I have been friends with this group of girls for 20 years.
I remember sitting with 4 of them at recess every day on the grass while all of the popular kids played 4 square. Once in a while I would go hang out with the popular girls while they watched me from the grass but then I would just end up coming back with my friends on the grass.
When I got into high school, I didn't talk to them much and it wasn't until the last few years that we have become really close again. They accepted me back like we had never stopped talking.
They are the true definition of friends. They are so understanding and would do ANYTHING for me anytime. I love these girls.
Anyway, my friend Caitlin is getting married, so we threw her a wedding shower.

She is so happy.

A bunch of our mom's came. They are really close too. Haha cheese!


1 comment:

  1. What a FUN group of girls!

    I want to confess that I was a total grass picker too. None of that cool four-square stuff for me too. I guess us "grass-pickers" tend to stick together... ;)
