Sunday, November 20, 2011

What I thought was a sliver...

Was definitely not.
So I was cleaning out my craft closet and I pulled my foot back to switch positions and I got cut. I looked at the cut and didn't see anything but blood. I couldn't find what cut me. That day I asked Brian to check it out and he said that he couldn't see anything.
The next day I went to yoga and it was really uncomfortable. Brian had left for New York so I told my dad to take a good look at my foot. I was pretty sure it was a sliver. So he poked at it and tried to clean it out with a needle and said he couldn't find anything.
The next morning I woke up at 5 a.m. with such pain in my foot that I couldn't fall back to sleep. By this point my cut had healed. My Dad came over to watch the kids and I went to the Instacare. The doc said that she didn't see any sign of anything being in my toe but sent me to get an xray in case. Well the xray came back:

And there was a needle in my toe. It was about 1/2 inch deep. They sent me to the hospital and had it cut out. My mom was with me the whole day. I kept telling her that she didn't need to come and it wasn't a big deal but she came anyway. I was so happy because there was a lot of sitting and waiting all day and we had a lot of fun.


  1. Are you kidding me??? What the? How in the world??? I'm boggled. Glad you got an x-ray! I bet you feel a lot better with out having a needle in your toe!

  2. Only Annelise can find the silver needle (I mean lining) in such a funky situation...

    So glad that you are ok! That x-ray is really cool by the way...
