Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Danny!

Oh I love this sweet boy. Every time anyone would ask him what he wanted for his birthday, he would just say I don't care! He was so excited to turn 6.
Danny is doing so well. He does so well in school. I volunteer a lot and he is so social! That was one of my big worries but he talks to everyone at school. He doesn't care if he has a ton of friends but it just seems to come natural to him in class.
He has become such a good listener. He is also so obedient.
He thrives on learning. He loves to have a schedule with something to do. He loves it when I teach him something to do. When he was off track, he struggled because he was free to do what he wanted and got so bored. That is my fault. I need more for him to do.
I love how passionate Danny is. He gets so excited about anything new.
I love you Danny! You bring so much joy in my life.

Opening presents! Sam was right beside him like it was his birthday.

Sarah wanted a picture taken of her.

We invited our family over on his birthday. My favorite was my Granddad jumping in front of Danny outside and started singing Happy Birthday at the top of his lungs. Danny's friends were all staring at the ground with big eyes trying not to laugh.

Party with friends

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