Monday, September 12, 2011

Sam Starts Preschool!

Sam started preschool a few weeks ago. He was so excited talking about it but the day before, he was really nervous. He kept asking me if I could stay with him.
It is funny how different him and Danny are. Danny was SOOO ready for preschool. He just wanted to learn and wasn't nervous at all. That is partly because Danny didn't really even notice the other people at school.
Sam, on the other hand would be happy just staying at home and playing with friends all day. He would much rather play than sit down in a class and learn. I have a feeling he will be more of a free spirit in class.
He ended up really liking preschool. Everyday I ask him what he learned in class and he replies, "Snakes." They haven't talked about snakes at all. I love this boy.

This is a picture of the kids when Danny started school.

Sam and Elliott

Sam and his friend, Elliott started preschool on the same day. They go to a different school but I wanted to get a picture of the two of them.

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