Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Unforgettable Night with Adele

Adele is my favorite artist and she came to Utah for her concert.
I was so depressed when I found out it was on a Sunday.
I knew I couldn't bring myself to buy a ticket and find a babysitter for a concert on Sunday.
I decided I was going to find a way to hear her sing live without buying a ticket or having to ask someone to babysit on a Sunday.
I talked to Brian about taking the kids downtown and "taking a walk" right by the Gallivan Center where she was performing.
I don't think he thought I was serious because he planned some fantasy football thing that he had to be home for. Lame.
So, last minute, I grabbed Danny (because I didn't want to be by myself) and told him we were going on an adventure. I told him that we were doing to go see Adele sing live and he was so excited. He loves her almost as much as I do.
I didn't think I would be able to get close enough to hear her sing but I had to try.
We drove downtown and rolled our windows down do listen for her while I tried to find a parking spot. We were an hour late but she had someone open for her so I wasn't worried.
I found the perfect parking spot right across the street! I didn't have to pay either.
As we were walking across the street, Adele started singing Hometown Glory. Danny and I both started running and screaming toward the concert. This is one of my favorite songs ever and I wish you could have heard her sing it. It was remarkable. No, that doesn't describe it's glory. I can't think of a word to describe it so I am forced to make one up.
Yep that describes it perfectly.
The thing I love about Adele is that she sounds better live than on her album. She truly is incredible. Her voice is just astounding.
We went right up to the gate and watched her perform on the screen. We were so close! Danny and I sang along to all of her songs and danced a little. She is so funny. I had to fight back tears because her performance was so breath-taking.
We got to see her entire concert.
Danny had such a wonderful night. He kept hugging me and telling me he loved me. He does that when he is in a really good mood.
I will never forget that wonderful night.
This video is a little sample of some of the songs she sang. It is from my phone and she still sounds wonderful.


  1. that is so awesome! I bet Danny thought that was soo cool to do that with you! You are such a great mom :)

  2. you are the coolest mom! I hope to do stuff like that with my kids someday. He will never forget that with you.
