Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A roundhouse kick to your face

So on Sunday Brian came home from church really confused and asked, "Why are people telling me that you roundhouse kicked them in the face?"
After laughing really hard I told him that I never really roundhouse kicked my friends in the face, I just threatened to if they woke me up in the morning while we were on vacation in St George.
No kids and no husbands, just the girls.
Brian took off work and watched the kids so that I could go on a girls trip.
It was perfect.
I laughed a lot and cried a little too.
I am surrounded by such strong, amazing, and spiritual women and I learned so much from every single one of them.
A year ago, Brian and I were planning on moving to a different house at this time and we can't leave. I love the people I am surrounded by way too much.

Playing telephone charades. Probably the funnest game I have ever played. I almost threw up I was laughing so hard.

Hike at Angel's Landing

Woo hoo! I made it and didn't die!

I am probably thinking, Ok now how do I get down?

I sort of freaked out on this hike. I didn't realize how afraid of heights I was.


  1. Don't believe a word Annelise says. My face is still all sorts of busted up from her roundhouse kicks.

    THANK YOU for letting me come. This just might have gone down as the best weekend EVER. I loved every minute of it.

    "I wanna love you... and treat you right... I wanna love you... every day and every night..."

  2. Looks like you guys had so much fun! I am seriously so sad I missed it :(. Please Plan another one so I can come :)

  3. this looks like so much fun! cute pictures!

  4. I'm sad I missed a round house kick to the face.

  5. I so missed out! It sounds like you all had such a fabulous time and I am hoping that we can plan another trip soon!
