Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Love this Baby Face

Ohhhhh! I know I shouldn't be letting Sarah suck her thumb but it is so cute. She loves to suck her thumb.
Feeding is going so much better! She loves baby food and is taking bottles. I guess I should have mentioned (when I was complaining and whining about her refusal to take a bottle) I was only trying formula. I really didn't want to pump because I hate it but I decided to try it anyway. Well she took it with no problem so I pumped quite a bit so we can leave her. Woo hoo!

Ohhh! I love that sweet face.

Just out of the bath.

I ran to the bathroom to get Sarah a diaper after her bath (I am not quite sure why I didn't just put her in her room with the diapers) and I came back to Danny laying next to her. It was so cute.

1 comment:

  1. so cute! Oh, and Chloe STILL sucks her thumb...so good luck w/that :)
    she had a binkie...got rid of that...and bam! in went the thumb.
    your kids are so perfect! Love their little faces and big eyes.
