Friday, June 11, 2010

Books, songs, and an art piece

Alright I am getting bored with doing these things everyday, so I am going to start combining them. So I love to read. Then I had Sarah and the only time I felt like I had time was when I was feeding her so I took a little break and need to start reading again.
Any recommendations?
I love to be entertained while I read. With that being said my favorite books are
the books in the Twilight series (Eclipse was my favorite)
Hunger Games
the Shopoholic books (Shopoholic and Baby is my favorite) - so hilarious!
I know these books are not very deep but they are fun to read.

A song that makes me cry (or nearly)
Well there isn't a song that makes me cry every time I hear it but 3 songs that fill me with emotion are:

Stand By Me by Ben E. King

Every time I hear this song, I think of my Dad.

The second song is Defying Gravity in the broadway, Wicked. Only when I see it on Broadway though. The last time I saw it, I had to hold back tears because it was so powerful. I won't give too much away in case you haven't seen it but the notes that Elphaba hits in that song just amaze me.

The third song is Seasons of Love from the broadway, Rent. I have seen Rent 3 times and I could see it 10 more. I love this song and I wish I could have been there to see the original cast perform it. That would have been out of this world.

My favorite art piece would have to be this:
Danny drew this picture of Brian the other day. It makes me laugh. He looks like a bear.

1 comment:

  1. I love when they start drawing at that age. It is so cute,and funny to see their point of views.
