Monday, April 19, 2010

Sarah's first swim...

was not as exciting as I had anticipated. She started off crying before we even got in the pool. I thought she would love it but she didn't. I decided to hurry and take some pictures before I took her out. I had to hurry because they said that no cameras were aloud, but she said I could take a few. Poor thing.

Haha at least she looks cute. I shouldn't laugh but how can you not?

Sam didn't want to swim because he didn't feel good. So much for a fun night at the pool. At least Danny had fun.


  1. That swimsuit! I LOVE IT!

    And the facial expression is even better... I'm glad that Danny had fun!

  2. Poor little girl. That is so sad, maybe next year.

  3. Hahaha I was just laughing so hard. She looks so cute, and her swimsuit is adorable.

  4. Your little Sarah is getting so big. Your kids are adorable.

  5. Oh I love her. She is so stinkin cute!
