Friday, December 11, 2009

Danny's Christmas Program and a call from Santa!

Today was Danny's Preschool Christmas Program. He was very cute although I could barely see him half the time because they decided to combine just about every kids class who goes to the preschool into one program. The only way I could see him was to go up the stairs and try to get some pictures there. I was so frustrated but now I realize I just needed to relax. These things are just such a big deal to us because we have been working so hard with him to be better at performing in front of groups and I couldn't even see him.

He did go to the front for a song so I got this picture.

I got another picture afterwards.

I also found another Santa hat because I couldn't get a picture during the program.

Danny took this picture of Brian's parents. They came and entertained Sam. My Mom, Whitney, and Sophie also came but they had to leave right after. I felt bad that they couldn't see Danny during his program but I love their support. Danny is a lucky boy.

I love these boys!

A phone call from Santa.

My sister scheduled for this recording of Santa to call the boys. These videos are so funny.

He called Danny first. I love how he says Thank you at the end. He really wants roller skates for Christmas.

For some reason, Sam hated the phone call from Santa. I don't know why, he usually loves to talk on the phone.


  1. Kalli keeps asking, "Why was Sam sad? Why? Why? Why?" A phone call from Santa is a priceless idea. We may have to try that one in the future. Do you happen to have the Big Man's number on speed dial?

    That is awesome that Danny has so many people to come to his programs! He must be loved!!

  2. How freakin cute! I love how Danny says "Thank you". So darling. What a good mommy!

  3. so cute!

    come visit my blog for young moms.
