Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I love Mother's Day! I am so happy that it was invented. But most of all I love being a Mother. I have never done anything harder in my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am the luckiest Mom in the world. These boys are not like any other kids I know. They both have this passion for things that I cannot believe. For example they could sit outside all day if I would let them. Danny asks me to play at least 3 different sports with him every day. If I can't play every sport with him, he asks one of the neighbors. Every day we either play tennis on the sidewalk, bowling on the table, baseball on the grass, soccer on the grass, or golf wherever there is open space. Anything that Danny loves Sam loves too. Sam loves Thomas the Tank Engine and the song Livin' on a Prayer all because Danny is a little obsessed. I could go on and on about these cute boys but the bottom line is I love them and wouldn't change a thing about them.

I couldn't ask for a better present.

We went to my aunt Sandra's house for dinner. The boys decided to have a shooting contest.

Yay Danny!

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