Saturday, May 9, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

For the next couple of months, we have so many fun things planned. Although it gets hectic, I love it. This weekend, we have had a lot of family time and nothing makes me happier. We have had such a fun weekend I just had to post some pictures we've taken so far.

Yesterday Brian took the day off of work and we went to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden. It was so much fun.
Danny loved finding the secret trails. He loves Mickey and includes him in all of our family outings.

I don't think these 2 realize that they are suppose to act scared.

I love being surrounded by these cute boys.

My girlfriends and I decided that we needed a girls night out.
We decided to go to an all you can eat sushi resteraunt because I had never had sushi before. Ok I have tried a bite but that doesn't count. I think we ordered 8 sushi rolls. It was much better than I thought it would be! I really liked it. I wasn't a huge fan of the raw fish on some of the rolls but it was such a fun dinner. I love trying new things.

Then we came to my house for Guitar Hero World Tour. Haha this picture makes me laugh. I will never get sick of the Rock Band parties we have every weekend. We have so much fun.

Cute Danny in his soccer outfit. He didn't really play and whined the whole time but I realized that this is for fun and it doesn't matter. By the way, we scored this game!!!! I was so happy.

Our cute cheerleaders! We were the only team with cheerleaders.

And last but definitely not least, ALEX TOOK 1ST PLACE IN STATE!!!!!! I was so happy for him! Let me just explain that every kid in my family (yes all 8 of us) has played tennis on the Brighton tennis team. Each year for state, it was so stressful to watch as some of us won and some of us lost. Alex is the youngest of us 8 so he was the last to play. This is his senior year and I have to admit it was a relief to all of us that we didn't have to stress out any more after this game. We love watching tennis but it is hard if they lose. Anyway I came to the match late and I was wondering where Alex was playing. After waiting a few seconds, I heard a huge crowd cheering and walked straight for the crowd because I knew it was my family. After Alex won, we ran onto the court and each hugged him. What a great way to end the tennis tradition.

Alex had the biggest smile on his face. He was just laughing. I felt stupid because I was fighting back tears ( yes I am a little emotional) but as each member of my family gave him a hug I noticed that they were all fighting back tears.

If you are wondering whether Danny looks more like me or Brian, take a look at Alex. There is your answer.

My dad gets so stressed during these matches. He has to sit all by himself. He was so happy.

I love having a big family. It is the best feeling to have all of this support. We love you, Alex!


  1. Looks like a fun weekend. WTG Alex! Someone should have reminded Cathy to wear orange!

  2. Family weekends are the best- I'm so looking forward to having one soon... I'm going to have to pencil that one in...Hooray for Alex! How cool that everyone plays tennis. I'm terrible.

    My other terrible confession? I've never played Rock Band.
