Monday, March 23, 2009


We had another girls night out with all the girls in my neighborhood. It was so much fun. The past week was so hard because we were all so sick and I really needed this break. I enjoyed it to the fullest....maybe a little too much if you notice my comment during the video =). Anyway we started the night by eating at Biaggi's. Yum I love that place. Afterwards we decided to take a little walk through Gateway and what did we see? Gev from So You Think You Can Dance and his other amazing friends dancing. They were awesome. Here is a little clip of Gev. Sorry it is so dark.

Gev told me that they were going to a movie and decided just to come out and dance instead. They didn't have any music. They just clapped their hands and stopped their feet.

That is me standing next to Gev. I feel so cool.

My new crew posing for the camera.

I love these girls. They all live in my greencourt (well except for Kendra just moved out). L to R: Jenn, Kendra, me and Lori

April, Shannon, & Natalie hanging out in our hotel room.

These were 2 of my first friends in Daybreak. We are still so close.

Kari, Vanessa, & Jenny. Kari is the one who set this all up. Thanks Kari!!!!

Kendra, me, Whitney, Lori, and Jane. I am so excited that Whitney (my sister) got to come.

This is Lori, Whitney, and I getting our feet ready for pedicures. This makes me laugh and will probably make you laugh too because of our faces. I was trying to make a cheesy "Yay we are getting pedicures with the girlfriends" face but it just looks funny. Lori painted flowers on our feet. Thanks, Lori!

I had so much fun and love the girls in my neighborhood.


  1. Agh- so jealous. We got sick that day. Lovely, eh? Next time... I refuse to miss another. Looks like you had a blast!

  2. Oh how fun, I love girls nights. You all are so freaking gorgeous! Hope to see you on Wednesday at the playgroup!

  3. Looks like you all had a good time!

  4. That is so cool that you got to see him. My friend went to a hip hop class and he ended up teaching it. He is cute.
