Friday, March 6, 2009

A Child's Journey out of Autism

I just finished reading a book that my friend, Leeann Whiffen wrote titled, A Child's Journey out of Autism. I remember calling Leeann on the phone when I had concerns with Danny's communication and social delays. She is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She dropped everything to talk to me for over an hour about her experience with her son who had autism and gave me the greatest advice I could get. She told me to do everything I could to help Danny and get him the help he needs because I wouldn't want to look back later in life and wish I had done something more.
I was so excited that her book had finally come out and I wanted to tell everyone to read it but I decided that I should read it first. The book is about her son, Clay who was diagnosed with Autism. She became so dedicated and worked so hard to save her son that he is now no longer considered autistic. The journey that she takes you through in this book is so incredible. I was crying throughout the entire book because of the struggles and triumphs that they went through. This book made me a better person. Danny was diagnosed with Aspberger's Syndrome over the summer. We have learned that the specialist who diagnosed him tends to overdiagnose children with autism, PDD, or Aspberger's so we are having another specialist look at him. I think he just has a communication disorder but we will see. Anyway while I was reading this book, there were little things that Clay did that I remember Danny doing and it makes me so happy to see that Danny is doing so much better than he use to be.
Clay is so lucky to have Leeann for a mom. Leeann is one of those people that makes you tired just by talking to them because they work so hard. Leeann has been working with our state legislators, trying to get the bill (Clay's Law) passed so that insurance companies will cover autism treatments. Leeann and her husband had to take out a second mortgage to pay for treatments for Clay. He isn't considered autistic anymore and she still works so hard to help everyone else that has to deal with it. Thank you Leeann for sharing your story. Thank you for everything you do for others. You are truly an inspiration. Please everyone read this book. Whether your child has autism or not, this book will make a difference in your life.
For more info, visit

1 comment:

  1. this was a sweet post. i hope danny is okay! and your blog and family are so cute. it was so good to see you!

