Thursday, February 19, 2009

Weekend in St George

Over Valentine's, Brian and I took the boys to St George. It was so fun! We went to the Parade of Homes which was incredible! The rest of the time we watched tv, scrapbooked (0nly I did that), and ate. Pretty low key but very fun.
Danny was so excited to help me make heart sugar cookies. He wants to do everything by himself. He has to cut the shapes out and put them on the pan. Luckily we weren't giving them to anyone.

Danny enjoyed his cookie that he made.

Sam loves bathrooms. Probably because the toilet and bathtub are a perfect height for him to stand up against.

Danny's "secret admirer" gave him lots of goodies and he didn't understand the concept of saving suckers for later so he gave one to me, one to Sam, one to Brian, and put 2 in his mouth.

The boys "secret admirer" also gave them these cute little piggy banks with their names on them.


  1. Hey...we were down in St. George over Valentine's Day too...too bad we didn't know you were down there, we could have gone to dinner or something!

  2. Was it nice and warm down there?!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. your boys are so cute! seems that you had a great time! im glad to have found you here!

  5. How cute! Sounds like a great weekend!
