Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Sam!!

Yesterday was Sam's 1st birthday. I cannot believe how fast that went. It goes by so much faster with the second child. This has been the best year. I have loved this year. I love Sam. He brings so much joy in my life.

1 year


1 month

2 months

3 months

5 months ( I have no idea where 4 months went, we did go on a cruise that month...)

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months

Sam's birthday party


Sophie(my niece) and Danny

Josh (he is pretty much my brother, not through blood but just as close), Brian, Jake (brother in law), and my Dad

My cute grandparents and their matching jackets

Jake, Sophie, and Whitney (my sister)

Danny and Josh hanging out

Janell and Paul (Brian's parents) with Danny

My Mom, my Dad, Whitney (rarrrr), Randy (my sister, Elizabeth's boyfriend who WE LOVE TO DEATH), Elizabeth, Kelli (my sister in law, although I want to just call her my sister because I just love her, and no she is not married to Josh), Josh

He ate quite a bit of cake but I think he was too full of pizza

Sam and my Dad

Time for a bath!

I am so grateful for my family and Brian's family. We had so much fun last night. I don't know what I would do without them.


  1. I love seeing the pictures from birth to 12 months. You forget how fast they grow and change! Looks like you have a fun family!

  2. K...I wish I would have had the brilliant idea to take photos of Chase in the same spot every month. It' fun to watch them grow. Looks like his party was fun!! We need to get together soon. How about Wednesday?

  3. Happy Birthday Sam! He is so cute! I loved seeing all those pics in the same place! So cute!

  4. Oh my goodness! I can't believe that he is one! Time just flies by. He is just so darling. Happy Birthday Sam!!
    P.S. When can we get together??

  5. Very cute! Happy Birthday to you, Sam! And congrats on surviving yet another baby-bootcamp. I still have your dishes... you are a life-saver! Thanks again!
