Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ross Christmas Party

Every year, the Ross's (Brian's dad's family) have a Christmas party. It is usually the only time everyone gets together so we really look forward to it. I can't remember who belongs to which family but we have so much fun.

After dinner, Santa always comes and the kids get so excited. Danny wouldn't sit with the rest of the kids until he found out that Santa was giving out presents. He started out in the back and slowly wedged his way to the front.

He waited so patiently.

...and waited...

...and waited...

...and waited until he was the last one to be picked. He was so cute. He was just quietly waiting.
Ok I lied, Sam was the last one to be picked but he had no idea what was even going on.


  1. Both family nights look like a lot of fun! So are you done with family for Christmas? A nice quiet Christmas day at home?

  2. So cute! I love how Danny just waits patiently! Both of the boys are amazing! Let's plan on getting together after Christmas! Can't wait!

  3. How cute!! I can't believe how cute your boys are!
