Monday, December 29, 2008

Get Ready...

I have about a billion pictures to post.  That's right, A BILLION!  I have gotten so behind with posting mainly because I have been so busy and my computer is pretty much dead.  But good news!  I got a laptop for Christmas!  YAAAAAAAY!  I love it.  I just can't figure out how to change the format of my videos so that I can post them.  I have some great videos so I hope I can figure it out.  So you know what a laptop means, overnight scrapbooking retreats (Jennie).
Anyway, not being on my computer has been a great thing because I really focused more on my family.  
Danny's Preschool Christmas Program

He didn't sing one word.  He sat there and stared the whole time.  He was still so cute.

Twilight again
My mom, sisters, and I with our Twilight shirts

We made our husbands come but they sat behind us so that they could make fun of the movie.  It was so fun.

Friends Christmas Party
I had a Christmas Party with my friends at my house.  I have been friends with most of these girls since 3rd grade.

Danny usually loves Santa.  He was just grumpy for some reason.

This was so sweet.  Danny held Sam's hand until Sam started screaming and wanted him to let go.

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year.  I tried really hard to focus on the real meaning of Christmas and not what gifts I wanted.  We are so blessed.
This is Danny at Brian's parents house.  He ran down to look at the presents before we even realized where he was.

Sam found his orange in his stocking and started eating it.

Cute Sam

The Grandkids in their Christmas pj's.  My mom bought them Sesame Street hats.  We had the hardest time getting the kids to cooperate.

We went with my family

We went to our friend, Nate's cabin and it was a blast!

Some pictures of us driving up in the snocat, Sam's Christmas snow suit, Kelli and Nate with their amazing dance skills, and Bob and Josh (the mountain men)

Brian has been friends with these guys since middle school.  I love them to death.  They are all like brothers to me (especially Bob...wait he is my brother).   What a fun day!

Matching Christmas outfits

Guitar Hero
This is Danny and his cousin, Abby playing guitar hero.

And to end all of the festivities, here is a picture of the Sugar Bowl party we had at our house!  What a game!  We had so much fun.  Go Utes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh and sorry to our neighbors for the noise.


  1. Look like you had a great CHristmas! Let's get together this week for some lunch! That game was awesome! Dan went but it was fun cheering them on by myself! haha!

  2. Looks like a fun holiday. I love the pictures of the kids in Pjs. I am glad I am not the only one that struggles to get kids to look at me for pictures. And your husbands are nice I don't think I could pay Rod enogh money to go to Twilight with me...Good Job!

  3. Cute pictures!! Maybe someday I'll catch up on my blogging too. Um, probably not. I'm looking forward to our overnight scrapbooking as well. You just tell me when and I'm there.

  4. Wow what a party, that looked like big time fun!
