Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Disney On Ice!!

Brian's parent's bought us tickets to go see Disney on Ice. We were so excited because we are going through Disneyland withdrawals so this is the closest thing we can get to being there. It was really fun besides the fact that Brian had to go on a last minute business trip and both of the boys woke up at 5 a.m. that morning.

Thanks Paul and Janell for taking us!

Yay! Churros! Danny loves churros (probably because we get one every time we go to Costco), so Paul went and bought him one.

Sam would not sit still. He was so tired. I was really wanting Brian to be there.

Cotton Candy!

I was sad Brian couldn't come but we were so happy that Sophie could make it with her mom (and my sister), Whitney. Sophie got in trouble by the Usher because she was dancing on the stairs during the show. It was so cute. She loved it.


  1. I love taking really tired kids on outings!! It's so fun!! Your a good mom!

  2. I am impressed you braved that event husbandless- looks like you had a good time though, you're such a good sport:)
