Thursday, October 16, 2008

A new discovery

A while ago Sam was crying while we were waiting in the car so I called his name until he looked up and saw me peeking over his car seat. It made him so happy to see me. Now whenever I talk to him in the car he looks up and strains his neck to see me. Sometimes I will look back at him and I will see his happy face staring up at me.


  1. I hope you don't mind but I am toatlly into the whole blogging thing and well I found your blog with good old google, I was curious if anyone in our neighborhood or ward blogged. Usually the days I am at home bored with nothing to do I like to blog, so anyways now that you have my long explanation for looking at yours, I thought I would just say hi and anytime you need somone to watch your kids while you get your hair done I would be more then happy to
