Thursday, October 9, 2008

Family Pictures

A few weeks ago, my sister, Elizabeth took these pictures of us to practice with a new camera. These pictures were taken in Daybreak. We live in such a beautiful area. Thanks, Lil!

Danny thought this was a slide and he kept sliding down it.


  1. How cute are you guys? I love those! You are the cutest little family! Let's plan another day to get together! I forgot that Tuesday was my class! Love the pics!

  2. I too love the one with you walking away. They're all so cute.

  3. so so cute! Sam's eyes are to die for!! You are going to have your hand's full with those cute boys!!!

  4. What a cute family. I love the coordinating outfits.

  5. Happy Birthday Annelise!!! Hope you have a fun day!!
