Monday, October 27, 2008

Car shopping for Danny already?

The other day, my cute Granddad called me and told me that he saw a Cadillac Escalade at Costco and wanted to buy it for Danny. I thought he was talking about a remote control car but he actually meant the motorized ones that kids could sit in and drive. We shopped around and decided that the Cadillac was the best choice so he bought it and surprised Danny with it the next day. Of course Danny was afraid of it and didn't want to drive it at first. That is what is so hard about having kids is when they don't jump for joy over every present they get from someone. But after getting use to it, he got really excited about it. Of course my Granddad didn't see that reaction.

Danny and his cousin Sophie. He is still nervous at this point.

Now he loves it. It has about 6 different radio stations and his favorite is the rap station(there isn't much to pick from). I can't help but laugh when he is riding down the street listening to What Them Girls Like. If you don't know that song here it is . I wonder what the neighbors thought.


  1. I totally know what you mean. I remember trying to train my kids to act pleased no matter what they'd been given when they were small. If they don't like it, they don't act like they like it. Kids are so honest. I'm glad he likes his car, how fun!!

  2. My kids want one of those so bad, how much was that one? I am thinking Christmas.

  3. What a nice Grandpa. Danny looks like a little stud driving his new SUV. I love it!

  4. Ya I would love to go to the childrens museum, next time you want to go let me know, oh and I am going to add you to my blog page
