Sunday, August 10, 2008

Scrapbook Pages

Since I finished the book, Breaking Dawn and therefore have finished the Twilight saga, I guess I will have to find something to do with my life like catching up on scrapbooking. Then maybe I will move on to cleaning my house since it looks like it was hit by a tornado. Here are the boys pages from the 24th of July.


  1. it's so fun to have two boys together so you can dress them cute!

  2. I am so impressed that you are so caught up. Do you want to do some of mine :) I have been a total slacker and have had no motivation to scrapbook at all! I am so behind it's not even funny! Maybe this will inspire me to be more productive, but probably not!

  3. I am actually still scrapbooking from back in December. Sometimes I just scrapbook recent pictures so that I can remember what we did that day.
