Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Will we ever be able to enjoy fireworks?

This is a picture of Danny 2 years ago. This was his first time watching fireworks. He didn't enjoy them too much.
This year we were so excited to get fireworks for Danny because we thought he would love them. We were wrong. I held Danny during some of them and he was shaking because he was so scared. I guess we will just have to try again next year.
This is Danny with his Grandma Janell.

At least Sam enjoyed them.


  1. Oh my gosh!! That picture of Danny might be the funniest thing I have ever seen... I can't wait to see the boys!

  2. Your boys are soo cute! I want to see you!

  3. ok, I almost peed my pants when I saw that picture of Danny...that is so dang funny! Well, not funny, but you know....isn't motherhood sooo unpredictable!?
