Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Potty Training Emergency!

So we took Danny to a specialist the other day and he recommended that we put him in preschool to help his social skills. Most preschools start in the next couple of weeks. So we have been looking for a preschool and we just realized that he has to be potty trained! I am going to try it this weekend. He has done it before, just not consistently. So I am going to have to focus on that and only that this weekend. I really hope it works. Any advice?


  1. I would try potty training rewards. This worked great for our son. He loved pushing the button hearing he is a Big Boy and opening a door to find a chocolate surprise. He really became involved. He was peeing and popping in his potty within week. I know every child is different, but have a look and see if this would work for you. www.pottytrainingrewards.com

  2. Yeah for preschool! I am so happy that he gets to go to preschool. On the other hand, the potty training thing doesn't sound fun, but I'm sure you can do it. Hopefully it will be easier during the weekend so Brian can help. Let me know if you need any help!

  3. I suck at potty training so no help there. I'm not sure what type of specialist you saw but if there is a developmental issue you should look to see if he would qualify through the school district for their developmental preschool. My girls started this when they turned three because 2 of them had speech delays and have done really well with it. Plus, if the child qualifies for the program it is free. Also, they usally don't require the child to be potty trained which gets me back to the point of the post.

  4. He does qualify for the preschool class through the state and he will go 2 times a week. This doctor said that he needs to also go to private preschool. So he will be going every morning. He was diagnosed with Aspbergers and has a little bit of social anxiety with strangers.

  5. I know this is random, but do you ever watch "John & Kate plus 8"?
    I saw the potty training episode and whatever she does works well! I know she does the reward...an m&m for going in the potty! And she basically doesn't leave the house with the kids being trained. Also, she makes them sit on the pot and go before mealtime, because kids get distracted when they eat and "forget" that they need to potty!

  6. I have never seen that show all the way through. But Danny definitely gets distracted. I had to take the ipod player away from him because he would get listening to Bon Jovi (his favorite right now) and he would stand there and dance to the same song over and over again and would forget that he didn't have a diaper on. I also bought a ton of toys and treats to give to him if he goes in the toilet but he doesn't really seem to care. I just need to give it time.

  7. ok, did you really just say Danny dances to Bon Jovi? get out!!

  8. Yes. He listens to Living On A Prayer. He could listen to it ALL DAY if I let him. He loves it.

  9. Too funny about Bon Jovi.

    That's great you will be able to get him in school everyday. With my kids' delays, I have found it to be very helpful to be proactive. In AZ our develop. preschool was only 3 days per week, in NJ it is 5.

    Good luck with the potty training. If it makes you feel any better when I sent Seth to preschool he wasn't really potty trained and I would dread picking him up everyday worried he would be in different clothes (and he frequently was). The school was really good about it.

  10. No advice from me, but I did hear of someone putting Cherrios in the toilet and making it like a game to try and pee on the Cherrios. It might be worth a try. It kinda sounds like it would be fun for a little boy. (you actually might of been the one to tell me that, I can't remember) Good luck. We need to get together soon. Little Chasers is sick today with a fever of 103!!! So maybe we should shoot for next week. I'll call you later!

  11. You are the best mom! So on top of things! I work with so many children with aspbergers and have a ton of info and interventions if at all interested. My mother in law is a speech pathologist and has so many good techniques for communication skills! Plus, we need to go to luch or something before I start school again!
