Monday, July 21, 2008

The Carnival

The other day we went to the carnival with some of my aunts, cousins, and their kids. It was so fun.
This is Danny and my cousin's son Jack.

Although you couldn't tell by the looks on their faces, they had so much fun.

This is how they looked on every ride they went on. So serious.

Well except for this ride. Jack got a little scared.

Thanks to my aunt Caren for the snow cones.

After the 2nd ride, I took my eye off of Danny for 1 second and I turned around and he was gone. I looked around and couldn't see him anywhere so we all split up and went looking for him. We were all running, searching everywhere, and we had no idea where he was. At this point I got that sick feeling in my stomach and almost started crying when I ran past the merry go round and saw him sitting on this bench with some random kid. He had gotten on the merry go round when I wasn't looking. I was so mad but I couldn't help but laugh at him just sitting there on the merry go round. I quickly ran to tell everyone that he was found and we all sat and laughed at him as he went round and round.


  1. I get such a laugh out of Danny and Jack. They are perfect for each other. Thanks for putting the pics on your blog.

  2. oh I sooo know that feeling...I lost Kai a long time ago at Toys R Us!!! For only a few seconds...but that is THE worst feeling..ever. ugh...cute Danny though.

  3. What a smart little guy, sneaking on the merry go round. I totally would of had a heart attack if Chase pulled something like that.
