Thursday, May 22, 2008

I've been tagged

My friend Michelle tagged me and I am suppose to write 6 things that most people might not know about me so here I go...

1. I have 8 kids in my family. Most of you probably know that but you might not know how similar we all are. We all have the same sense of humor and love to joke around with each other. We have so much fun together. This picture was taken on a cruise that we all went on together. Alot of families were getting these really cheesy pictures taken so we decided to make fun of them. I understand that there are 9 people in this picture. There are 2 husbands and my brother Tim was in Spain on a mission so he couldn't come. We all love to play tennis and everyone played on the tennis team at Brighton High. My sisters and I are members of the Delta Gamma sorority and all of the boys are members of the Sigma Chi fraternity (even my dad). Actually my brother Alex is still in high school so he has to wait another year and a half to rush. All of the boys that married into the family are also Sigma Chi's.

2. Growing up I always wanted to be a dance teacher. I was a ballet dancer growing up and it always seemed fun to be a dance teacher but then I decided to teach preschool instead. I did that for a few years and decided that I would much rather be a mom.

3. I have always loved kids. Growing up I made flyers for everyone I could think of that had kids and passed them out hoping that someone would call me to babysit. Even in high school and in college I got so excited to tend other people's kids. Now that I have my own I just can't get enough of them. I love just being able to have nothing to do but lay on the ground and play with them. Although it is nice to get a break during their naps. This picture is a picture of 2 kids that I use to teach in preschool. I loved being a child's first teacher. They made me feel like I was the greatest person ever.

4. I would hate to be famous. I'll be honest, it would be nice never to have to worry about money but I love my simple life. I love that at the end of the day, all I have to worry about is my family and that is all that really matters. This may seem kind of boring but I love spending the weekends at home with family. Don't get me wrong, I love to travel and go on fun outings but it is nice to come back home. I guess if I was famous for saving someone's life that would be ok.

5. I am an mtv junkie. This is something that I am not proud of but I can't help it. The other day Brian was asking me what shows I would miss if we got rid of mtv. The first show I named was the Hills (of course, who doesn't watch that show?). After I thought about it I kept naming more and more shows that I love to watch like Making the Band 4, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Laguna Beach (I guess the last one was Newport Harbor, which was much better), and the Real World. I guess this just shows that in some ways I still act like I am a teenager (don't even get me started on the music that I listen to).

6. I am a very sarcastic person with a dry sense of humor. I get it from my family. We are hardly ever serious and we love to joke around with each other (which is a nice way of saying that we make fun of each other). A lot of the time I don't show this side of me unless I get to know someone pretty well because some people think that I am really serious and get offended. I think that life is too short to be seious all of the time.
Now I am suppose to tag some people: Jennie, Annie, Abby, Kendra, and Kristin( maybe this will get you to catch up on your blogging).


  1. omg! I loved reading that! And I can't believe you went to Brighton...snob...and you are a sorority girl and married a Sigma Chi....weren't those the partiers....or was that Sigma Nu? hmmmmm.....a side of you I never knew!! heehee.... and ok, since you love children so much, how about my 3 while we go to Hawaii or something...for a week or two....come told me I should get away with my hubby!

  2. I agree, people from Brighton were very snobby. I think the sigma nu's partied more but sigma chi was the biggest fraternity so they had a lot of diversity. Yes I will definitely watch your children. Just make it a month, no problem.

  3. Hi Annelise! How are you? Your family is so cute! I can't believe how big Sam is getting! Well...I did it! I started a blog! It is! We need to get together for lunch all summer! I don't work so we should go swimming with the kiddos! Talk to you soon!

  4. I know it's sad that we dont get together more! I am done with school on June 6th! Let's for sure go to lunch and playgroups all the time! I miss seeing yoU!

  5. yes!! It was Baja Cantina....that is my ultimate favorite restaraunt....I had a brain freeze and couldn't remember the name :) I also love Toucan Cantina in that still around?? I got chicken chimichangas...yum! And yeah, of course I got sick then...but at least I didn't have kids to take care of too....and it was relaxing... we need to have Danny over one morning to play!

  6. Um... you forgot to mention that you are an incredible singer and we had a summer-time gig at Lagoon! The Beep Bopping 5! Why wouldn't you mention that? We were so good! I'm certainly NOT embarrassed about it! I mean, I was a little upset when they stopped the show after you got carried away with singing and you sort of freaked everyone out... but besides that, we were really great! A big hit! A summer, NEVER to forget!

  7. you are so funny. i miss your singing are you going to sing at abby's wedding?
