Monday, May 12, 2008

Good News (for people who don't live in Phoenix)

So I know a lot of you (including me) have been wondering whether we will be staying here or moving to Phoenix for Brian's job. After a long time of waiting, Brian came home to tell me that he accepted the job here and we will not be moving to Phoenix. Although Phoenix seems a lot a lot better than being here in the terrible weather, I am so happy that we will be staying close to family. I had a lot of threats from my brother's if I were to take Danny and Sam away from them so they will be very happy. I love where we live and am happy to stay.


  1. You don't want to come here anyway, it's starting to get miserable....over 100 this weekend!

  2. yeah!!! We would miss you...glad you're sticking around...we're never moving, so we'll be here....

  3. I can't believe it is already that hot in Phoenix. But I am sitting in my freezing basement and it still seems nice.

  4. I am selfishly glad you are staying. Who else would I go to lunch with all the time?
