Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thanks Dad

When Brian came home from Vegas he brought back these cute sweatshirts for the boys. I was so proud of him. Growing up, whenever my family would go on vacations, we had to go shopping. Whether it was at Disneyland shopping for stuffed animals or trying to find the biggest Nordstrom we could, we loved to shop on vacations. This was something Brian was definitely not use to so I have worked on getting him use to it. That is why I was so proud that he went shopping all by himself and picked out these cute clothes. I love how they bring out the color in both of their eyes ( I think that is what he was thinking of when he bought them).

That is soup from Zupas that he is eating. I couldn't get him to stop eating for the longest time but who can blame him?

Good thing I took the 1st picture when I did.


  1. ZUPAS! YUM! Danny has good taste! Zupas is my favorite place, EVER! We are there a few times a month! What a cutie danny is! Hey, remember to keep Jackson's birthday party date saved! I will get invites out this weekend!

  2. Ok! That sounds fun. I wasn't sure if you really wanted anyone to come but we will be there for sure.

  3. I have a invite for you, I will bring it by tomorrow sometime!! We are so excited about the party, especially Jackson! This is his frist real party with more than boring family singing out of tune! I cant believe my family got Jackson a real face painter and a balloon animal artist, should be a hoot!! waste of money in my opinion, but hey... they love to spoil that kid!
