Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Easter!

Easter Egg Hunt!

We had an easter egg hunt at my parents house for Danny and Sophie. We forgot his easter basket so he used a shopping cart.

My parents still have an easter egg hunt for my brothers and sisters and I ( no we are never too old). As we ran around the back yard screaming and pushing each other out of the way, my brother Bobby yelled, "Carrots, gross!" And sure enough they had put carrots out with all of the candy. Suddenly you could see carrots flying through the air towards my brother, Alex. Instead of putting them in our baskets we used them to throw at Alex. All of the leftovers were thrown in Danny's bag. Nice try mom and dad.

Danny and Dad in their polo shirts. So cute!

Sam got his 1st Mickey for Easter.


  1. That is so funny about the carrots. I would rather have a shopping cart too instead of a basket. They are bigger.

  2. I'm still laughing about the carrots. That's awesome!!
