Sunday, February 19, 2012


Love is watching basketball several nights of the week with your husband just to spend time with him, even though you would much rather be watching...well anything but sports.
Love is letting your wife sleep in every Tuesday because she stays out till after midnight every Monday night watching the Bachelor with her girlfriends.

Love is listening to your son instead of talking, even when he gets sent to the principal's office 2 days in a row for hitting the same boy.
Love is giving your Dad the dollar bill you found in your pocket because he gave a presentation to your class.
Love is telling Mom that whenever Sarah cries, all she needs to do is rub her leg a special way and she will stop crying.

Love is when Dad lets his boys stay up an extra 30 minutes every night so that they can play Batman together in the basement.
Love is when you take special care of your sister all of the time. Love is when you make sure to have an extra treat at all times for your older brother.

Love is stopping everything you are doing to read your daughter her favorite books. Love is hugging, kissing, and squeezing your daughter every possible second you get because you can't get enough of her.
Love is blowing your Mom and Dad kisses all day without being asked.

Just when you think you can't possibly give any more love, you find this big burst of happiness inside of you because you realize that there will always be more that you can give. There is no better feeling in the world. Love has taught me so much patience. Love has taught me to give up more of my selfishness and give more to others. I have so much love for my family.

And what would our family do without our wonderful friends?

For Valentines, Brian and I went out to dinner together. We had a great time. Then we met up with our friends and saw This Means War. It was hilarious! We had such a fun time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Sam!!

I just love this sweet boy. He loves to laugh and have fun. He has so much energy and has a hard time holding it in :) He loves being silly and getting attention for doing weird things. Wow. He sounds a lot like me. Except I don't have his energy.
He is so good at taking care of Sarah. He is always helping her and trying to make her happy. Sam would be happy wrestling with his friends all day. He has a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
He was so excited for his birthday. He wanted to have a Pajama Party with McDonalds for everyone so that's what we did. I love you Sam! You make me laugh every single day.

He was so excited about his dragon jacket that Kellie and Ty gave him that he ran to all of the neighbor's houses to show them.

He wanted a batman cake.

New Bike!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Brian and his Dad had to go to Orlando for work so Brian's mom and I came along. It was just what I needed in January. It was 70-80 degrees and the warm air made me so happy.

First, we went to Universal Studios Orlando. This is the best theme park ever! The rides are so intense. We went straight to the Harry Potter World and it was awesome. We also had a pass that got us to the front of the line of every ride which we didn't even use much because there was no one there!
We loved the Harry Potter ride. It was so fun! I also LOVED the butterbeer!!!! Sooo good!

Brian's parent's were happy to do whatever!

Haha! I love this picture of Paul. Anyway, after 5 rides, I had to be done. Seriously, I am not kidding when I say that this park is intense! I also took dramamine for the first time and I think that made me feel worse. I felt a little groggy and soooooo nauseous. But that's ok because we went over to Disneyworld and hung out at our hotel.

The next day we went to Disneyworld which was so wonderful. The whole time I kept thinking the kids would love it here but I think we will wait a few years to bring them here. We only had enough time for Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios but it was the perfect day.

The Animal Kingdom Lodge is so amazing. I really wanted the kids to be here for this but we needed a trip with just Brian and I. I love this hotel.

Our view from the hotel room:

Best view of all!

I was sad to leave on Saturday. It was 80 degrees and I was just so happy soaking up the sun and shopping at the outlets. Especially since I found a Lululemon outlet! I was very happy about that! It was hard to come back to the cold weather but I was so excited to see the kids so it wasn't too bad. Goodbye Orlando. Thanks for keeping us entertained!

Friday, February 3, 2012