Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Let it snow!

Danny's first snowman!

We took Danny sledding and he loved it!

Patrick came home!

It was so exciting to see Patrick after 2 years of his mission!

Decorating the Tree

Danny had so much fun decorating the tree this year.

Here is what the tree looked like after Danny decorated it.

Little Helper

Danny's favorite thing to do is clean. Nothing makes him happier than doing the dishes, doing the wash, sweeping the floor, cleaning with 409, scrubbing the toilet and washing the windows. The second he goes to grandma's house they have to run upstairs to do the wash.

Monday, November 12, 2007

3-D Ultrasound

The other day I went to the doctor and I think he could tell that I was frustrated for having to wait so long to get in so he gave me a 3-D ultrasound. This is definitely my favorite part about being pregnant.

1st time trick or treating

Danny had so much fun trick-or-treating this year. He would run from house to house and say trick-or-treat! When they pulled candy out to put in his bag, he would grab it out of their hands and stick it in his bag. Sometimes he was lucky enough to choose his own candy and after staring at all of the delicious treats in front of him he would take a big handful and run away to the next house. He couldn't be happier!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

That smile...

I went to Kiddie Kandids to get Danny's picture taken. Every time I go to get his picture taken I get nervous because he has a very hard time sitting still. Of course he did have a hard time sitting still, but somehow we got the most adorable pictures taken of him. I love these pictures because of his adorable smile and you can see all of the energy that he has.

It's A Boy!

I went to get my ultrasound to find out the gender of the baby and it is a boy! I am very excited for Danny because he will love a little brother. I almost had to leave the hospital without knowing what it was because he was sitting so low and completely folded in half so that they had to search long and hard to find out whether it was a boy or a girl.

This is a picture of the baby's profile.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Danny's 2nd Birthday!

Danny loves his tent and tunnel set (which he calls his slide).

Danny thought that the vacuum handle was a phone.

Danny was so excited about his new vacuum cleaner that he started vacuuming at the party.

This is Danny's cousin, Sophie, at the party.

Danny loves his new bike that he got from Grandma and Grandpa.

Danny's aunt Elizabeth had a lot of fun.

Danny with Grandpa Robert.

The dreaded haircut...

This was the first haircut that Danny has had that hasn't been done by me (thank goodness). I am terrible at cutting his hair so I finally decided to have someone else do it. Since they are opening a Cookie Cutters at the District I decided to take him there to try it out. It was the cutest place ever! They had a little playground, balloons, bubbles, suckers, and they even played the Wiggles for him on his private t.v. But I guess none of that mattered to him because he just screamed and cried the whole time. I have to say that the girl who cut his hair was pretty amazing. She was just cutting like crazy anywhere she could and it turned out very cute.

Lunch Time!

I am not sure why Danny started sucking on his toes like this but he thought it was so funny on the way home from St George. He didn't really eat lunch so I guess he was hungry...


In August Brian and I went on an Alaskan cruise with his family. It was amazing! It was so beautiful and a much needed break.

This was the view from outside our balcony. How pretty is that? We saw tons of glaciers.

We saw tons of whales, it was just hard to get a good picture.

This is Brian's mom and dad (L) and his sister and brother-in-law (R).